Get everything you need to improve productivity in one package!
RBT Supervision Tracker:
Tracker RBT hours and supervision hours to ensure your RBTs are meeting the BACB requirements.
Staff Evaluation:
Evaluate your staff's in-session performance and out-of-session performance, including professionalism, with our 3 evaluation forms: the quick evaluation, the in-depth evaluation, and the quarterly evaluation.
RBT Competency Evaluation:
Assess your staffs competency on the RBT Task List (2nd ed) with a rating scale for each task list item which will visually display on an ABLLS-R like grid across 4 assessment periods. Perfect for you to evaluate your staffs competencies, or as a self-evaluation tool.
Productivity Tracking (with and without timesheets):
Track all aspects of your staffs productivity, including PTO, client cancellations, staff cancellations, call-out behaviors, scheduled hours vs actual hours discrepancies, and more. Use the version with timesheets for a full payroll system and automated experience, or use the version without timesheets to quickly enter existing data and get results.
Reinforcement System Tracker:
Pull everything together from this package into a reinforcement system tracker that looks at performance and productivity with customizable metrics to individualize for your needs.
Editable Performance Improvement Plan:
Get an editable version of our performance improvement plan to use with staff when skills need to be improved, without causing the immediate fear of a traditional write-up.
Editable Staff Preference Assessment:
Don't guess how to reinforce your staff. Use this editable staff preference assessment for your staff to rate possible reinforcers against one another to determine the highest potential reinforcer.
Productivity Package
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